The PlaySkwim Mission
- grow this global aquatic game for the whole family to enjoy!
- grow this global game for persons of all walks of life
- promote the safety and performance benefits of finswimming
- restructure aquatic instruction toward organized play and teamwork
- restructure aquatic safety instruction to be centered on lifesaving
- restructure lifesaving to be centered on active teamwork and fitness
- reinstitute Lifesaving games centered on International Skwim Certification
- promote Lifesaving Spirit and Sportsmanship based on Biblical teachings
SKWIM strives to build water-skilled, water-smart, and water-strong communities.
To achieve these goals, SKWIM International seeks to:
Increase aquatic participation for ages 5 years and up.
Both demographics and history show that people prefer to “interact” in a sporting event. Themajority of athletic participants play games vs. individual sports. SKWIM builds endurance and swimming technique along with the teamwork, strategic planning and club unity that sustain loyalty and commitment.
Promote a versatile water sport, adaptable to competitive, recreational
and casual play.
SKWIM is adaptable to shallow, deep, variable depth, or even open-water play. The boundaries may be shortened, lengthened or contracted to adjust for pool/lagoon size or number of available (3-8) swim lanes. This flexibility maximizes accommodations for facility, participant, and aquatic programming needs. At its most competitive level,SKWIM is an extremely fast-paced, exhilarating team sport requiring adept skill, speed, endurance and strategy.
Help save lives through International SKWIM Certification (ISC), focusing
on established Response, Endurance and Distance Standards. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) an average of 50 people per day are
hospitalized due to a fatal drowning or non-fatal drowning incidents in the US. 20% do not survive. An additional 40% leave the hospital physically, psychologically or emotionally disabled. The SKWIM LifeRing program engages participants in becoming safer, smarter, and stronger in the water. Skwim CertificationTM and the Skwim Lifesaving LessonsTM teaches, enables players, parents, coaches and administrators to make wiser choices about family aquatic choices.
Support patron growth for current and new aquatic centers through SKWIM and ISC Lifesaving Lesson Programming.
Recent studies sponsored by USA Swimming show that only about 50% of children ages 6-15 can swim. Other studies indicate that only 30% of the U.S. population can swim 100 yards. Clearly, there is growth potential in aquatics that would result in a safer, healthier populace. Today fitness professionals, both on land and in water, recognize the key to attracting and retaining patrons is through programming facilities with interactive game activities that include larger numbers of people. SKWIM helps satisfy this criterion for aquatics. For instance, SKWIM may be enjoyed by groups of seniors during the school day, youth in the afternoon, adults in the evening, and families on the weekend.
Expand talent pool for aquatic sports.
By attracting larger numbers to the pool, all water sports benefit. SKWIM offers a diverse activity drawing more participants to the water. Just as running stars often emerge when football, soccer or basketball players cross train with the track team, swim racing and water polo teams will find a larger selection of qualified swimmers to draw from where SKWIM is promoted.